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 [id] => 190
 [productName] => 1842 Highback Arm Rocker
 [subtitle] => 
 [description] => <p>Our tallest rocker, with a full 42" of height that accentuates the clean lines and perfectly balanced design of this beautiful, comfortable chair. You will find this rocker wonderfully soothing for an evening at home, or while enjoying a cup of coffee.</p>
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 [max] => 
 [min] => 
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 [1] => Array
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 [intValue] => $0
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 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
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 [3] => Array
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 [intValue] => $0
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 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
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 [4] => Array
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 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

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 [5] => Array
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 [6] => Array
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 [number] => 0
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 [priceChangeType] => none
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 [intValue] => $0
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 [9] => Array
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 [priceChangeType] => none
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 [value] => 102
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 [10] => Array
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 [type] => select
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 [11] => Array
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 [13] => Array
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 [14] => Array
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 [15] => Array
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 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

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 [value] => 108
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 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Brown
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Brown
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="117" label="Brown">Brown</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 117
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="117" label="Brown">Brown</option>

 [9] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Brown Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Brown Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="118" label="Brown Variegated">Brown Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 118
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="118" label="Brown Variegated">Brown Variegated</option>

 [10] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Brick
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Brick
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="119" label="Brick">Brick</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 119
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="119" label="Brick">Brick</option>

 [11] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Brick Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Brick Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="120" label="Brick Variegated">Brick Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 120
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="120" label="Brick Variegated">Brick Variegated</option>

 [12] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Black
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Black
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="121" label="Black">Black</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 121
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="121" label="Black">Black</option>

 [13] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Black Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Black Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="122" label="Black Variegated">Black Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 122
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="122" label="Black Variegated">Black Variegated</option>

 [14] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Tangerine
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Tangerine
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="123" label="Tangerine">Tangerine</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 123
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="123" label="Tangerine">Tangerine</option>

 [15] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Tangerine Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Tangerine Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="124" label="Tangerine Variegated">Tangerine Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 124
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="124" label="Tangerine Variegated">Tangerine Variegated</option>

 [16] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Summer Blue
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Summer Blue
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="125" label="Summer Blue">Summer Blue</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 125
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="125" label="Summer Blue">Summer Blue</option>

 [17] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Summer Blue Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Summer Blue Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="126" label="Summer Blue Variegated">Summer Blue Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 126
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="126" label="Summer Blue Variegated">Summer Blue Variegated</option>

 [18] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Marine Blue
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Marine Blue
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="127" label="Marine Blue">Marine Blue</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 127
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="127" label="Marine Blue">Marine Blue</option>

 [19] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Marine Blue Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Marine Blue Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="128" label="Marine Blue Variegated">Marine Blue Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 128
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="128" label="Marine Blue Variegated">Marine Blue Variegated</option>

 [20] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Summer Green
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Summer Green
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="129" label="Summer Green">Summer Green</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 129
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="129" label="Summer Green">Summer Green</option>

 [21] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Summer Green Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Summer Green Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="130" label="Summer Green Variegated">Summer Green Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 130
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="130" label="Summer Green Variegated">Summer Green Variegated</option>

 [22] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Almy Green
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Almy Green
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="131" label="Almy Green">Almy Green</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 131
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="131" label="Almy Green">Almy Green</option>

 [23] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Almy Green Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Almy Green Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="132" label="Almy Green Variegated">Almy Green Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 132
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="132" label="Almy Green Variegated">Almy Green Variegated</option>

 [24] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Sage
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Sage
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="133" label="Sage">Sage</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 133
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="133" label="Sage">Sage</option>

 [25] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Sage Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Sage Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="134" label="Sage Variegated">Sage Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 134
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="134" label="Sage Variegated">Sage Variegated</option>

 [26] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Aqua Green
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Aqua Green
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="135" label="Aqua Green">Aqua Green</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 135
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="135" label="Aqua Green">Aqua Green</option>

 [27] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Aqua Green Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Aqua Green Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="136" label="Aqua Green Variegated">Aqua Green Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 136
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="136" label="Aqua Green Variegated">Aqua Green Variegated</option>


 [placeholder] => 
 [rules] => Array

 [tag] => <select name="option[19]" id="option-19"><option value="109" label="White">White</option><option value="110" label="White Variegated">White Variegated</option><option value="111" label="Butter Cream">Butter Cream</option><option value="112" label="Butter Cream Variegated">Butter Cream Variegated</option><option value="113" label="Cream">Cream</option><option value="114" label="Cream Variegated">Cream Variegated</option><option value="115" label="Sand">Sand</option><option value="116" label="Sand Variegated">Sand Variegated</option><option value="117" label="Brown">Brown</option><option value="118" label="Brown Variegated">Brown Variegated</option><option value="119" label="Brick">Brick</option><option value="120" label="Brick Variegated">Brick Variegated</option><option value="121" label="Black">Black</option><option value="122" label="Black Variegated">Black Variegated</option><option value="123" label="Tangerine">Tangerine</option><option value="124" label="Tangerine Variegated">Tangerine Variegated</option><option value="125" label="Summer Blue">Summer Blue</option><option value="126" label="Summer Blue Variegated">Summer Blue Variegated</option><option value="127" label="Marine Blue">Marine Blue</option><option value="128" label="Marine Blue Variegated">Marine Blue Variegated</option><option value="129" label="Summer Green">Summer Green</option><option value="130" label="Summer Green Variegated">Summer Green Variegated</option><option value="131" label="Almy Green">Almy Green</option><option value="132" label="Almy Green Variegated">Almy Green Variegated</option><option value="133" label="Sage">Sage</option><option value="134" label="Sage Variegated">Sage Variegated</option><option value="135" label="Aqua Green">Aqua Green</option><option value="136" label="Aqua Green Variegated">Aqua Green Variegated</option></select>
 [type] => select
 [value] => 
 [wrapperClass] => 

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 [id] => 199
 [productName] => Royal Arm Rocker
 [subtitle] => 
 [description] => <p>Feel regal in this spacious royal rocker designed for comfort and ease of rocking. This rocker has the familiar lines of our traditional Royal Arm Chair, but with the added bonus of being able to rock this chair back without being scolded for doing so.</p>
 [shortDescription] => 
 [sku] => 23RR
 [weight] => 50.000
 [shippingCost] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
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 [isFeatured] => 
 [canBeOrdered] => 1
 [createdOnDate] => October 5, 2011
 [createdOnTime] => 3:30 PM
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