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 [id] => 153
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 [max] => 
 [min] => 
 [name] => option[13]
 [optionDescription] => 
 [optionId] => 13
 [optionKey] => textFontBack
 [options] => Array
 [0] => Array
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 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Book Antiqua Bold Italic 16
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 [optionId] => 13
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 [priceChange] => Array
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 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="93" label="Book Antiqua Bold Italic 16">Book Antiqua Bold Italic 16</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 93
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 [1] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Book Antiqua Bold Italic 18
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 [optionId] => 13
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 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="94" label="Book Antiqua Bold Italic 18">Book Antiqua Bold Italic 18</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 94
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 [2] => Array
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 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
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 [optionId] => 13
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 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="95" label="Book Antiqua Bold Italic 20">Book Antiqua Bold Italic 20</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 95
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="95" label="Book Antiqua Bold Italic 20">Book Antiqua Bold Italic 20</option>

 [3] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Book Antiqua Bold Italic 22
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 [optionId] => 13
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 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
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 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="96" label="Book Antiqua Bold Italic 22">Book Antiqua Bold Italic 22</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
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 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 96
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 [4] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Book Antiqua Bold 16
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 [optionId] => 13
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 [priceChange] => Array
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 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
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 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="97" label="Book Antiqua Bold 16">Book Antiqua Bold 16</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
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 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 97
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 [5] => Array
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 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Book Antiqua Bold 18
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 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
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 [totalPrice] => Array
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 [floatValue] => $0.00
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 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 98
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 [6] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
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 [optionId] => 13
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 [currencyPosition] => before
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 [floatValue] => $0.00
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 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="99" label="Book Antiqua Bold 20">Book Antiqua Bold 20</option>
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 [type] => select
 [value] => 99
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 [7] => Array
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 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
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 [floatValue] => $0.00
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 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="100" label="Book Antiqua Bold 22">Book Antiqua Bold 22</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
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 [currencySymbol] => $
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 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 100
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 [8] => Array
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 [isSelected] => 
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 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="101" label="Times New Roman Bold Italic 16">Times New Roman Bold Italic 16</option>
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 [intValue] => $0
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 [9] => Array
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 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
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 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
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 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="102" label="Times New Roman Bold Italic 18">Times New Roman Bold Italic 18</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
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 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 102
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 [10] => Array
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 [isSelected] => 
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 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
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 [floatValue] => $0.00
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 [intValue] => $0
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 [value] => $0.00

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 [tag] => <option value="103" label="Times New Roman Bold Italic 20">Times New Roman Bold Italic 20</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
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 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
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 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 103
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 [11] => Array
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 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
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 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
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 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="104" label="Times New Roman Bold Italic 22">Times New Roman Bold Italic 22</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
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 [currencySymbol] => $
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 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 104
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 [12] => Array
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 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="105" label="Times New Roman Bold 16">Times New Roman Bold 16</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
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 [currencySymbol] => $
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 [floatValue] => $0.00
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 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 105
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 [13] => Array
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 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
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 [optionId] => 13
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 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
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 [totalPrice] => Array
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 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 106
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 [14] => Array
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 [isSelected] => 
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 [floatValue] => $0.00
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 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
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 [totalPrice] => Array
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 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
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 [15] => Array
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 [intValue] => $0
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 [priceChangeType] => none
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 [totalPrice] => Array
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 [decimalValue] => $0.00
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 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 108
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="108" label="Times New Roman Bold 22">Times New Roman Bold 22</option>


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 [1] => 
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 [1] => 
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 [3] => 
 [4] => 

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 [4] => 

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 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 118
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="118" label="Brown Variegated">Brown Variegated</option>

 [10] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Brick
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Brick
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="119" label="Brick">Brick</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 119
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="119" label="Brick">Brick</option>

 [11] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Brick Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Brick Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="120" label="Brick Variegated">Brick Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 120
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="120" label="Brick Variegated">Brick Variegated</option>

 [12] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Black
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Black
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="121" label="Black">Black</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 121
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="121" label="Black">Black</option>

 [13] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Black Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Black Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="122" label="Black Variegated">Black Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 122
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="122" label="Black Variegated">Black Variegated</option>

 [14] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Tangerine
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Tangerine
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="123" label="Tangerine">Tangerine</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 123
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="123" label="Tangerine">Tangerine</option>

 [15] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Tangerine Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Tangerine Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="124" label="Tangerine Variegated">Tangerine Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 124
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="124" label="Tangerine Variegated">Tangerine Variegated</option>

 [16] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Summer Blue
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Summer Blue
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="125" label="Summer Blue">Summer Blue</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 125
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="125" label="Summer Blue">Summer Blue</option>

 [17] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Summer Blue Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Summer Blue Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="126" label="Summer Blue Variegated">Summer Blue Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 126
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="126" label="Summer Blue Variegated">Summer Blue Variegated</option>

 [18] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Marine Blue
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Marine Blue
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="127" label="Marine Blue">Marine Blue</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 127
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="127" label="Marine Blue">Marine Blue</option>

 [19] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Marine Blue Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Marine Blue Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="128" label="Marine Blue Variegated">Marine Blue Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 128
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="128" label="Marine Blue Variegated">Marine Blue Variegated</option>

 [20] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Summer Green
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Summer Green
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="129" label="Summer Green">Summer Green</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 129
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="129" label="Summer Green">Summer Green</option>

 [21] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Summer Green Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Summer Green Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="130" label="Summer Green Variegated">Summer Green Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 130
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="130" label="Summer Green Variegated">Summer Green Variegated</option>

 [22] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Almy Green
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Almy Green
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="131" label="Almy Green">Almy Green</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 131
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="131" label="Almy Green">Almy Green</option>

 [23] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Almy Green Variegated
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 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Almy Green Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
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 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="132" label="Almy Green Variegated">Almy Green Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 132
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="132" label="Almy Green Variegated">Almy Green Variegated</option>

 [24] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Sage
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Sage
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="133" label="Sage">Sage</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 133
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="133" label="Sage">Sage</option>

 [25] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Sage Variegated
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Sage Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="134" label="Sage Variegated">Sage Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 134
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="134" label="Sage Variegated">Sage Variegated</option>

 [26] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
 [label] => Aqua Green
 [multiValueRules] => Array

 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Aqua Green
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="135" label="Aqua Green">Aqua Green</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 135
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 [27] => Array
 [fieldType] => select
 [isDefault] => 
 [isSelected] => 
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 [optionId] => 19
 [optionValue] => Aqua Green Variegated
 [priceChange] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [priceChangeType] => none
 [tag] => <option value="136" label="Aqua Green Variegated">Aqua Green Variegated</option>
 [totalPrice] => Array
 [currencyCode] => USD
 [currencyPosition] => before
 [currencySymbol] => $
 [decimalValue] => $0.00
 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 136
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="136" label="Aqua Green Variegated">Aqua Green Variegated</option>


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 [value] => 
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 [id] => 156
 [productName] => Royal Side Chair
 [subtitle] => 
 [description] => <p>The perfect companion to the Royal Arm Chair</p>
 [shortDescription] => 
 [sku] => 21R
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 [60] => Array
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 [categoryName] => Chairs - Sitting
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 [floatValue] => $0.00
 [hasDecimal] => 
 [intValue] => $0
 [number] => 0
 [value] => $0.00

 [type] => select
 [value] => 105
 [tagNoLabel] => <option value="105" label="Times New Roman Bold 16">Times New Roman Bold 16</option>

 [13] => Array